Our Gastronomy


The wilaya of Médéa is known for its gastronomic diversity and the art of cooking, given the richness and the nutritional value of these products, an exceptional taste of these meals testify to these guests, tourists and visitors.
The king of local gastronomy is the dish called ASABAN, a dish that garnishes all Medean tables during festivals and ceremonies also found in the different regions of the wilaya BEKBOUKA and DOUARA.
Another dish that is called ELBELBOUL the inhabitants consider it an essential dish during the winter, it is prepared with dry bread and some herbs, add to that couscous with various dishes “white and red sause, aurge, oak , thyme, wheat, masfouf, madfoune …)
Médéa is one of the Algerian cities, famous for that production of grapes “Hamar Bouamer, Al-Maqrani Al-Sanso”. They are used for the preparations of cakes during religious or cultural festivals as well as all the local festivals the Raoub, KAABOUCHE, REFISSE, CHAKHCHOUKHA and many others, the diversity of Medea’s traditional dishes cannot be quantified and specified in this article.

Al Asban
Al balbol
Al masfof
Al chakhchockha
Al rfise