Expansion Zones And Tourist Sites

Distribution of expansion areas and tourist sites

The wilaya of Médéa has a significant tourist land area of ​​484.5 ha, spread over eight (08) expansion zones and tourist sites (ZEST), classified by executive decree n ° 16-368 of 11/28/2016 on delimitation, declaration and classification of expansion areas and tourist sites

Denomination municipality Daïra Delimitation Area (Ha) Type of tourism hasdevelopped
1 – HAMMAM SALHINE Berrouaghia Berrouaghia – To the North: National road n ° 18.
– To the East and to the South: The communal road which connects the national road n ° 18 to Hammam Salhine, up to the eastern region of the city of Berrouaghia.
-West: Oued which passes through the two points with coordinates CLARKE 1880:
the point: X = 495,931.7 m; Y = 4,000,890.8 m and the point: X = 496,257.3 m; Y = 4000 088.1 m
107 -Thermal and wellness tourism
2 -TIBHIRIN DRAA ESSAMAR Médéa -In the North and in the East: the communal road which connects Tibhirine to Ain Arais.
West: the CLARKE 1880 meridian (474.5km)
To the South: the CLARKE 1880 parallel (4,015.5km)
55 Climate tourism; of discovery ,hobbies
3 – SOURCE KSAR EL BOUKHAR KSAR EL BOUKHARI KSAR EL BOUKHAR To the north and west: national road n ° 1.
East: Oued located 300 meters east of RN 60.
In the South: El Chahid Mahdia el Hadj Chaib stadium and the national institute for the improvement of equipment.
12.5 – Thermal and wellness tourism
4 – HANNACHA FOREST KSAR EL BOUKHARI KSAR EL BOUKHARI In the North: the wilaya path n ° 1.
To the east: the wilaya path n ° 1 and the CLARKE 1880 meridian (481.15km)
West: the wilaya path n ° 1 and chaabat which runs parallel to the CLARKE 1880 meridian (479.3).
In the South: Oued Mehaisser.
182 Climate and hunting tourism
5 – TWO BASINS FOREST TWO BASSINS TABLAT To the north and east: national road n ° 8.
West: the CLARKE 1880 meridian (526.15 km)
In the South: the national road n ° 8 and the fictitious line which passes 200 meters to the south of the wilaya road n ° 95.
61 -Climate tourism;
of discovery and hobbies
6 -RUINS RAPIDIUM DJOUAB SOUAGUI In the North: National road n ° 6
In the east: the dividing line between the agglomeration of Djouab and the ruins of Rapidium.
In the South and West: Oued Sour Djouab.
-Cultural and religous tourism
To the east: the communal road which links the towns of Ridane and Djouab.
West: The CLARKE 1880 meridian (539.6 km)
To the South: The CLARKE 1880 parallel (3,998.3 km).
7 -Climate tourism and activity of hunting
  • Djouab FOREST
DJOUAB SOUAGUI North: the CLARKE 1880 parallel (3,997.6 km) East: the CLARKE 1880 meridian (537.3 km) West: Chaabet located 650 meters east of wilaya road n ° 94 and passes through the CLARKE 1880 coordinate point X: 537,070.8m; Y: 3 997 144.7 m To the south: the communal path that connects Ouled H’ceini and Ouled Said 18 -Climate tourism and activity of hunting
  • 08 zest
05 communes 484.