Where to Sleep?

List of hotels in Medea

The legal system Rating score Phone number fax number of beds The number of rooms Company name
private graded 2 stars (2*) 025768383 025766240 50 25 Samer Hotel 01
public Rated 1 star(1*) 025781338 025781445
92 46 Al Musallah Hotel 02
private / / 50 25 El chark Hotel 03
private Rated 1 star(1*) 025768383 025768383 35 16 Andalusia Hotel 04
private Rated 1 star(1*) 025776253 025776258 61 44 the blue ravine
public in the process of classifying 025776165
92 46 Mocornu Hotel 06
public graded
2 stars (2*)
old rating
/ 70 35 Welcome hotel 07
private in the process of classifying 0560245022 96 48 Taihi Hotel 08
private Classified in other structures prepared for the hotel 025635117 42 21 Karama Hotel 09
private Classified in other structures prepared for the hotel 025705001 025705004
56 23 Hotel al tarik -sakhri 10