Our Wilaya

Wilaya OF medea


He will baptize it “Lemdia”, with an area of 50,000 km². named after a Sanhadjide tribe. Lemdani’s name is still used with the meaning of native of Medea.

Medea would be the ancient Roman station of the city of Medix, located at an
equal distance betweenthe ancient Roman cities of Tirinadi (Berrouaghia)and Sufnsar (Amoura).Ibn Khaldoun will Speak,later, in some of his accounts of “Lambdia”, “Labdia” and of “Lemdia”. According to ancient chroniclers of this time, Medea was built on the site of a Roman settlement, the original materials of which were used in the construction of the new nucleus of dwellings.

Medea will be erected to the rank of town, around the middle of the 10th century, thanks to Bouloghine-Youssef, son of Ziri, founder of the future capital of Titteri, and other twin towns, namely Khemis Meliana and Algiers. He will baptize it “Lemdia”, with an area of 50,000 km². named after a Sanhadjide tribe. Lemdani’s name is still used with the meaning of native of Medea.

Il apparaît que la ville de Médée dans l’Ancien Testament n’était pas une grande ville avec son poids économique et politique, comme Qirta, Carthagène, Tablatunsis (actuellement Tablat), ou Icosium. . Il semble que la ville n’ait pas existé au début de l’ère phénicienne ou punique, c’est-à-dire entre le Xe siècle avant J.-C. jusqu’à la chute de Carthage en 146 avant J. à l’époque romaine, avait une présence à l’époque plus loin.

Informations générales

Some 88km south of Algierson the side of Jebel Nador from its 950 meters altitudeMédéa overlooks vast greenexpanses, it enjoys a subcontinental Mediterranean climate, cold in winter, hot in summer.
Today the wilaya has about 923,030 inhabitants, with an area of 8775.65 km², it is limited to the north by the wilaya of Blida, to the south by the wilaya of Djelfa in the west by the wilaya of Ain Defla to the is by the wilaya of Bouira and M’sila.
Administratively, the wilaya has 64 municipalities spread across 19 Daïras.

Division administrative de Médéa

L’état de Médéa est composé de 64 communes réparties sur 19 départements et 5 arrondissements administratifs répartis comme suit:

Médéa Draa Essamar – Tamesguida
Ouzera Ouzera – Tizi Mahdi – Benchicao – El Hamdania
Berrouaghia Berrouaghia – Ouled Deide – Rebaia
Ouamri Ouamri – Oued Harbil – Hannacha
Seghouane Seghouane – Medjebar – Zoubiria – Tlatet Eddouair
Sidi Mahdjoub Sidi Mahdjoub – Bouaichoune – Ouled Bouachra
El Omaria El Omaria – Ouled Brahim – Baata
Sidi Naamane Sidi Naamane – Bouchrahil – Khams Djouamaa
Ksar Boukhari Ksar Boukhari – Saneg – Meftaha
Ouled Antar Ouled Antar – Ouled Hellal – Boghar
Aziz Aziz – Derrag – Oum El Djalil
Chahbounia Chahbounia – Bou Aiche – Boughezoul
Souagui Souagui – Djouab – Sidi Zahar – Sidi Ziane
El Guelbelkebir El Guelbelkebir – Sedraia – Bir Ben Laabed
Beni Slimane Beni Slimane – Sidi Errabia – Bouskene
Tablat Tablat – Aissaouia – Mezerana – Deux Bassins
El Azizia El Azizia – Meghraoua – Mihoub
Chellalat El Adhaoura Chellalat El Adhaoura – Cheniguel – Tafraout – Aïn Ou Ksir
Aïn Boucif Aïn Boucif – Kef Lakhdar – Sidi Damed – El Ouinet – Ouled Maaref